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Appendix A

Annihilation of the Mystery of Iniquity
et lux in tenebris lucet et tenebrae eam non conprehenderunt—John 1:5
[The following is an exposition of 2 Thess.
2:1-12. The
interpretation of this pericope comes from the influence of the
Kether.This writing is breathed from the Spirit of His Mouth. For
it is
written, "τω
πνευματι του
αυτος." This is the utterance of an
Adept entirely beyond the criticism of even the Visible Head of
Organization and is sent to the world at this Season as a
manifestation of
the direct fulfillment of eschatological prophecy. Its Truth is
and its interpretation is certain. Even so, amen! For the Time is
The Eschaton
(An Accounting of the A∴A∴)
¶ Forasmuch as the world has fallen deep into its iniquity and
grown corrupt in all its ways before the Eyes of Heaven, it is
meet that
we write to you concerning the prophecies foretold by our
Apostles and
Prophets who are witnesses of the Word of Christ.
For one hundred years the Man of Lawlessness, by his own Work,
spread forth the spirit of antichrist upon the earth. The
abomination of
Thelema, which is but Will Worship, has been sent forth by all
the energy
of Satan to the sons of men. And since the tares of the Church of
itself have long ago fallen further and further away from the
Faith, God
himself has sent them strong delusion that they might believe the
Lie and
be damned unto the æon of æons, even unto Outer Darkness.
Thelema did not cause the Apostasy of our days, but it is the
conclusion, the pinnacle of iniquity, the last statement of
rebellion, and the rotten fruit of falsehood. For St Jude
prophecied sooth
of Therion and Thelema when he named those of this own generation
who were
become as "clouds without water, carried along by winds; autumn leaves without fruit, twice dead, plucked up by the roots; wild waves of the sea, foaming out their own shame; wandering stars, for whom the blackness of darkness hath been reserved forever. " Therion wrested greatly the words of our brother, Eckartshausen,
and called his diabolical cultus the A∴A∴, as if it
were the veritable
Ancient Alliance, which is the Church of the Living God, which
resides in
heavenly places and is sealed by the Holy Spirit.
Albeit, no Truth is of a Lie. And this is the true and certain
name of
those who falsely call themselves Arcanum Arcanorum. For verily is
Therion's A∴A∴ the bearer of a secret name that is
not widely known. For
the A∴A∴ of the dark power is secretly called the
Atrium Autem, that is
the Outer Court of the Sanctuary. This is where Apostle Peter
denied the
Lord three times. The Outer Court is where Judas, called
Iscariot, sold
the Lord of Life for thirty pieces of silver. A∴A∴ of
Therion is called
Arbores Autumnales, that is "Autumn Trees", without fruit.
In chapter one of this present work we wrote concerning the
solution of
Liber AL vel Legis II, 76. The translation of the Riddle carries
with it
certain eschatological, that is "end times", messages. Liber AL
II, 76 is
the core and consummation of The Book of the Law. This riddle
having been
solved now marks the beginning of a new time. It is our desire
and will
before God that we set forth the Truth and portent of Liber AL
vel Legis
that no one be ignorant of the time, for it is written, "He
Justice unto Victory."
It is not possible to understand the aim of Liber AL vel Legis
having a firm grasp upon II Thess. 2:1-12. Liber AL is nothing less
than the
direct and exact fulfillment of the aforesaid passage of
False Thelema, throughout the Reign of Christ, has been the goal of the
of Iniquity. Satan has been loosed for this little season to once
again go
forth upon the earth and deceive it.
Therefore, we give to the world this knowledge of the times
and seasons
for a warning to all. This is the final opportunity for the
inhabitants of
the earth to save themselves from this corrupt generation. This
is the
Eschaton. An end, the End is coming quickly. Blessed is he who
reads and
keeps the words of warning. "Behold, I come as a thief in the
Blessed is he who puts trust upon Iesus Christ and makes his
robes clean
through the everlasting mercy of God the Father. Let him who has
an ear
hear what the Spirit says to the world.
Exposition of 2 Thess. 2:1-12
vv. 1-3a
Ερωτωμεν δε
υμας, αδελφοι,
υπερ της
του κυριου
ημων Ιησου
Χριστου και
επισυναγωγης εις
το μη ταχεως
υμας απο του
νοος μηδε
μητε δια
μητε δια
λογου μητε δι'
επιστολης ως
δι' ημων, ως οτι
η ημερα του
κυριου· μη τις
κατα μηδενα
wee beseech you, brethren, by the comming of our Lord Iesus
Christ, and by
our gathering together vnto him, that yee bee not soone shaken in
or bee troubled, neither by spirit, nor by word, nor by letter,
as from
vs, as that the day of Christ is at hand, let no man deceiue you
by any
meanes, ….
¶ Apostle Paul writes to address the question of the Parousia
Christ. Some in the congregations were teaching that Christ was
to return
imminently. Paul reveals various events that must come to pass
before the
Appearance of the Lord. He writes with gravity and sobreity upon
issue, as the subject requires.
In Paul's explication, he presents a brief, yet precise
picture of what
the church should look for in order to know that the Return of
Christ was
in fact "at hand". Apostle Paul wrote almost two millenia ago.
For the
generation of that time the gospel and the Kingdom of Christ had
just come
upon the world. But, now, for our time two thousand years later,
stands these words concerning the falling away, the Man of
and the literal and actual Parousia of Christ from the heavenly
vv. 3b-4 οτι
εαν μη ελθη η
πρωτον και
αποκαλυφθη ο
ανθρωπος της
ανομιας, ο
υιος της
απωλειας, ο
αντικειμενος και
υπεραιρομενος επι παντα
θεον η
σεβασμα, ωστε
αυτον εις
τον ναον του
θεου καθισαι
αποδεικνυντα εαυτον οτι
θεος.— … for that day
shall not come, except there come a falling
away first, and that man of sinne bee reuealed, the sonne of
who opposeth and exalteth himselfe aboue all that is called God,
or that
is worshipped: so that he as God, sitteth in the Temple of God,
himselfe that he is God.
The Apostasy
¶ Paul prophecies of a falling away (apostasia) that
was to come
upon the world. This describes an Apostasy of the Church of God.
in times past the Kingdom of God was rising in the world, and the
power of
Satan was greatly diminished (for he was imprisoned in the
Abyss), now the
earthly church of Christ would be in decline. Paul says "falling
away" to
describe the decline of the truth of the gospel, the decline of
Christianity, and the decline of the influence of the Holy Spirit
in the
world. It is not that God's power is diminished, it is that
mankind has
abandoned Truth for the Lie.
The Son of Perdition
¶ Because the tares of the church first fell away from the
Faith once
given to the saints, the Son of Perdition was the final point
of decline
away from God in the world. The term "sonne of perdition" is only
used one
other time in the New Testament writings. It is used for Judas
who betrayed Iesus Christ. A son of perdition describes one who
is born of
Destruction herself, a child of the Pit, a man who knowingly and
causes destruction to the Truth of God and all that it stands
for. Judas
Iscariot had been an apostle of Christ. He had known the
mysteries of the
ages in Christ. But, he chose the will of Satan and sold his Lord
thirty pieces of silver.
The Son of Perdition destroys both himself and everyone in his
path. He
is born of the Pit, and to the pit he goes. Judas was an accursed
man, and he went to his own place. Paul describes a son of
perdition that
is equal in infamy to Judas Iscariot.
The Opposing One
¶ Next, Paul describes the Man of Sin as the one who "opposeth and
himselfe aboue all that is called God, or that is worshipped: so
that he
as God, sitteth in the Temple of God, shewing himselfe that he is
The word translated as "opposeth" is the Greek participle
αντικειμενος. This word in fact describes on who substitutes
himself for another. It describes a usurper and a fraud. This is
Antichrist inasmuch as he sets himself in the place of
But, in this passage, it is not only the True and Living God
for whom
the Man of Sin substitutes himself, but "all that is called God,
or that
is worshipped." This refers to the practice of assuming God forms
done in
Theurgy. This also refers to the Thelemic and New Age teaching
that man is
God. Aleister Crowley, as Therion, fulfilled this prophecy when
it was
written in Liber AL vel Legis,
O be thou proud and mighty among men! Lift up
thyself! for
there is none like unto thee among men or among Gods! Lift up
thyself, o
my prophet, thy stature shall surpass the stars. They shall
worship thy
name, foursquare, mystic, wonderful, the number of the man; and
the name
of thy house 418. The end of the hiding of Hadit; and blessing
worship to the prophet of the lovely Star!" (Liber AL, II,
And again, Therion writes in Liber Aleph to his Magickal Son,
This then is the Issue from Sorrow; and thou mayst understand that I now also am confident in the Necessity of this my Fall to prepare the formula of my Exaltation. Therefore, my Son, thus Hail Me: Blessing and worship to the Beast, the Prophet of the Lovely Star. (Liber Aleph, DE SUA VICTORIA PER NOMEN B A B A L O N)
When Paul writes "so that he as God, sitteth in the Temple of
shewing himselfe that he is God", he does not refer to a physical
but rather to the Temple of the Spirit, which is the people of
God. For it
is written in scripture, "Behold, the temple of God is with men,
and he
shall dwell in them." Again it is written, "Know ye not that ye
are the
temple of the Holy Spirit?" But, when Therion writes that God is
man, he
places himself and mankind in the place of the Holy Trinity, and
the prophecy of Paul.
vv. 5-6 Ου
οτι ετι ων
υμας ταυτα
ελεγον υμιν;
και νυν το
οιδατε εις το
αυτον εν τω
καιρω.—Remember yee not, that
when I was yet
with you, I tolde you these things? And now yee know what
that hee might bee reuealed in his time.
¶ 2 Thess. 2:1-12 is a continuation of a discussion that Paul
held with
the Thessalonian churches. This passage is brief and is written
for fully
initiated Christians who know the words and symbols used. The one
who was
holding back the mystery of lawlessness and the man of sin was
presence of the Spirit of the Living Christ among his churches.
For God
works through his people. But, when God's people are gone into
the presence of the Spirit on earth has become diminished.
Satan is again loosed from his prison to once again deceive the
inhabitants of the earth. The mystery of iniquity may then be
Paul writes "that hee might bee reuealed in his time." This
refers to
the Æon of which Crowley was herald. This Æon, or time, is the
time of deception that is now sent to earth by God himself for
v. 7 το
της ανομιας
μονον ο
κατεχων αρτι
εως εκ μεσου
γενηται.—For the
mysterie of iniquitie doth alreadie worke: onely he who now
letteth, will
let, vntill he be taken out of the way.
¶ This verse refers to the power
of the
Holy Spirit among the Body of Christ working within the world and
it back to God by the Ministry of Reconciliation. But, in the
this holy influence is taken out of the way so that the power of
works its destructive force of death and corruption once again in
vv. 8-10 και
αποκαλυφθησεται ο
ανομιας, ον ο
ανελει τω
πνευματι του
αυτον και
τη επιφανεια
αυτου, ου
εστιν η
παρουσια κατ'
του Σατανα εν
παση δυναμει
και σημειοις
και τερασιν
ψευδους και
εν παση
αδικιας τοις
απολλυμενοις, ανθ' ων την
αγαπην της
εδεξαντο εις
το σωθηναι
αυτους.—And then shall
that wicked
bee reuealed, whome the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his
and shall destroy with the brightnesse of his comming: even him
comming is after the working of Satan, with all power and signes,
lying wonders, and with all deceiueablenesse of vnrighteousnesse,
in them
that perish: because they recueiued not the loue of the trueth,
that they
might be saued.
¶ After the influence of the Spirit of Christ has declined on
the Wicked one becomes incarnate. Scripture states that the Lord
"consume" him with the spirit of his mouth. This does not mean
that the
Man of Lawlessness would be physically alive at the return of
Christ. The
manner by which the Wicked one is consumed is by the blast of the
of Christ coming in full spiritual revelation through his
people. The Son
of Perdition is consumed because his Work and influence are brought
Nothing in both Word and Power.
Paul writes of one who comes in the form of a Magician and a
who performs signs and wonders. The prophecy does not speak of
one who
holds political or military power, but rather it speaks of one
who brings
about the epitome of False Religion. This comes in the full
energy and
working of Satan to be a blinding, corrupting, and deceiving
upon earth. It is the pinnacle of Falsehood. It is the power of
at its zenneth. Those who are deceived by the Mystery of
Lawlessness are
deceived because they willed to not love the truth and so be
saved out of
this corrupt Age.
This present writing marks the beginning of the destruction of
false Thelema—the 93 current of darkness—from the blast of the Spirit
of the Lord Iesus
Christ. This is the revelation of the fulfillment of the Age and
coming in of the Æon of Æons. For it is written, "I am Alpha
and Omega,
the First and the Last, the Beginning and the Ending." For Christ
Crowned and Conquering. He is the first risen from the dead. He
ascended into the Heaven of Heavens and has been placed at the
right hand
of the Most High God. He has the Keys of Life and Death. He opens
and no
one shuts. He shuts and no one opens.
The Spirit of His Mouth will work for a short time upon earth
in order
that all the ungodly may be convicted by Truth and Judgement. It
work for a little time in order that Christ may console and exalt
Faithful, who have both the Kingdom and the Victory for ever and
unto Ages of Ages. Amen.
vv. 11-12 και
δια τουτο
ο θεος
πλανης εις το
αυτους τω
ψευδει, ινα
παντες οι μη
πιστευσαντες τη αληθεια
ευδοκησαντες τη
αδικια.—And for this
cause God shall send them strong delusion,
they they should beleeue a lye: that they all might bee damned
who beleued
not the trueth, but had pleasure in vnrighteousnes.
¶ Paul openly states that God himself would send this delusion
to those
who perish because they willed to reject Truth and loved
Injustice. All
those who call themselves Pagan, and Thelemites, and
Gnostics, and
Satanists, and those like unto them have all been taken captive
in the net
and hook of the utter Delusion of this present Age.
This is a manifest token of the righteous Judgement of God.
For they
shall suffer eternal damnation and separation from all life and
For this was their own will. It is written in the prophecy of
Daniel, "The
righteous shall understand, but the wicked shall not
¶ We have written to you in few words expounding the Mystery
Iniquity. We exhort you, therefore, to take counsel and turn to
God. For
then you will know true Thelema, and you will be able to begin to
the Will of God on earth. For God the Father is man's true self.
Man was
made in the image of God and was made to partake in Life. The
Will of God
is man's true will. For Christ prayed, "Our Father who art in
heaven . . .
thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven." Again, Christ said, "If a man will to do the Will of the Father, he shall know the teaching, whether I have spoken from myself, or whether the Father hath sent me."
Then understand, O reader, that this is the Work for which we have been appointed. For Therion has foretold of this, writing,
Then with a pure Will tempered in the thousand Furnaces of thy
Trials, burn up thyself within thy Self. In the Preparation
thou shalt have learnt how thou mayst still all Thoughts, and
reach Ekstacy of Trance in many Modes. But in these Marriages
thy conscious Self is Bridegroom, and the not-Self Bride,
while in this Great Work thou givest up that conscious Self as
Bride to thy true Self. This Operation is then radically
alien from all others. And it is hard, because it is a total
Reversal of the Current of the Will, and a Transmutation of
its Formula and Nature. Here, o my son, is the One Secret of Success in this Great Work: Invoke often. (Liber CXI, DE GRADIBUS AD MAGNUM OPUS)
Chapter four of this work is unlike the foregoing chapters.
Parousia of Iesus Christ will mark the revelation of this
chapter. For
chapter four is not in Word only, but in Power.
Therefore, since the days are shortened and the time is evil,
encourage all who will to repent and turn from sin and
Believe upon the Glad Word of the Cross of Christ. Be baptized
buried in the watery grave with Christ that you may receive the
gift of
the Holy Spirit and be sealed unto eternal life.
Whosoever will, let him come and take freely of the waters of
Yea, verily, and amen, say the Spirit and the Bride!
Now to God the Father, the Lord Iesus Christ, and the Spirit of
Living God be blessing, honor, glory, and power unto the Age of
Maranatha! Lord, come quickly! Grace and peace unto the Elect of